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Monday, September 28, 2015

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Friday, September 25, 2015

Big news!!! Buy your next computer "AT COST" directly from my website!

Everyone who knows me has heard me talk about my access to great deals on New Open Box, Factory Refurbished and Off Lease Computers. Until now, these deals could only be purchased through me as a dealer.

I'm proud to announce that I've negotiated a deal that now allows you to buy these awesome computers directly, but, you have to access my pricing connection through my website. I will be providing links like the one below which is a portal directly to my pricing structure. Check it out now and you'll see what I mean!

I'm very happy to have opened the door for you to buy "at cost". I hope you'll find these connections/deals valuable and beneficial. They will save you money!

Just a small "thanks" to you for being a loyal customer over the years.



Our routers are now under Malware attack! I advise caution regarding online banking or any use of personal private information.

How Your Router Can Join the Dark Side

Information provided by my friends over at how to geek. Sponsored by Computer Authorities Plus
Sharp-eyed people may notice that such a phishing site won’t have HTTPS encryption, but many people wouldn’t notice. SSL-stripping attacks can even remove the encryption in transit.Attackers often seek to change the DNS server setting on your router, pointing it at a malicious DNS server. When you try to connect to a website — for example, your bank’s website — the malicious DNS server tells you to go to a phishing site instead. It may still say bankofamerica.com in your address bar, but you’ll be at a phishing site. The malicious DNS server doesn’t necessarily respond to all queries. It may simply time out on most requests and then redirect queries to your ISP’s default DNS server. Unusually slow DNS requests are a sign you may have an infection.
Attackers may also just inject advertisements, redirect search results, or attempt to install drive-by downloads. They can capture requests for Google Analytics or other scripts almost every website use and redirect them to a server providing a script that instead injects ads. If you see pornographic advertisements on a legitimate website like How-To Geek or the New York Times, you’re almost certainly infected with something — either on your router or your computer itself.
Many attacks make use of cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks. An attacker embeds malicious JavaScript onto a web page, and that JavaScript attempts to load the router’s web-based administration page and change settings. As the JavaScript is running on a device inside your local network, the code can access the web interface that’s only available inside your network.
Some routers may have their remote administration interfaces activated along with default usernames and passwords — bots can scan for such routers on the Internet and gain access. Other exploits can take advantage of other router problems. UPnP seems to be vulnerable on many routers, for example.

How to Check

First, you’ll need to access your router’s web-based setup page. Check your network connection’s gateway address or consult your router’s documentation to find out how.
Sign in with your router’s username and password, if necessary. Look for a “DNS” setting somewhere, often in the WAN or Internet connection settings screen. If it’s set to “Automatic,” that’s fine — it’s getting it from your ISP. If it’s set to “Manual” and there are custom DNS servers entered there, that could very well be a problem.
It’s no problem if you’ve configured your router to use good alternative DNS servers — for example, and for Google DNS or and for OpenDNS. But, if there are DNS servers there you don’t recognize, that’s a sign malware has changed your router to use DNS servers. If in doubt, perform a web search for the DNS server addresses and see whether they’re legitimate or not. Something like “” is fine and often just means the field is empty and the router is automatically getting a DNS server instead.
Experts advise checking this setting occasionally to see whether your router has been compromised or not.

Help, There’ a Malicious DNS Server!

If there is a malicious DNS server configured here, you can disable it and tell your router to use the automatic DNS server from your ISP or enter the addresses of legitimate DNS servers like Google DNS or OpenDNS here.
If there is a malicious DNS server entered here, you may want to wipe all your router’s settings and factory-reset it before setting it back up again — just to be safe. Then, use the tricks below to help secure the router against further attacks.

Hardening Your Router Against Attacks

You can certainly harden your router against these attacks — somewhat. If the router has security holes the manufacturer hasn’t patched, you can’t completely secure it.
  • Install Firmware Updates: Ensure the latest firmware for your router is installed. Enable automatic firmware updates if the router offers it — unfortunately, most routers don’t. This at least ensures you’re protected from any flaws that have been patched.
  • Disable Remote Access: Disable remote access to the router’s web-based administration pages.
  • Change the Password: Change the password to the router’s web-based administration interface so attackers can’t just get in with the default one.
  • Turn Off UPnPUPnP has been particularly vulnerable. Even if UPnP isn’t vulnerable on your router, a piece of malware running somewhere inside your local network can use UPnP to change your DNS server. That’s just how UPnP works — it trusts all requests coming from within your local network.

DNSSEC is supposed to provide additional security, but it’s no panacea here. In the real world, every client operating system just trusts the configured DNS server. The malicious DNS server could claim a DNS record has no DNSSEC information, or that it does have DNSSEC information and the IP address being passed along is the real one.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

New Website Launches!

I'm proud to announce the launch of our new website. We've made it easier to navigate for mobile device users and easier to find what you're looking for. Our newsletter is now easily accessible from our new site where you can view, download and print. We also added "Ric's Blog", where I will be providing useful info, how-to's, tech news and much more. The new blog is a much better platform for information that until now has been sent to your inbox. If you feel the new blog would be of interest to you, don't forget to subscribe. So head over and check out the new ComputerAuthoritiesPlus.com.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Save money on our used technology inventory!

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