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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Internet safety checklist

Internet Safety Checklist

Directions: Check the items below if they properly describe your on-line practices.

______1. If I have a social network page, I use a site that allows only known friends to access my page and I don’t allow anyone else to see it.

______2. I never divulge my last name to on-line acquaintances
______3. I never reveal my address to on-line acquaintances.

______4. I never disclose my phone number to on-line acquaintances.

______5. I never tell my user-names or passwords to on-line acquaintances.

______6. My handles don’t offer any clues to my identity.

______ 7. I've never sent my picture to an on-line acquaintance, and don’t plan to.

______8. I've never met an on-line acquaintance in person, and don’t plan to.


If you checked 7 or more items, you are safe. If you checked 5-6 items, you may be placing yourself in danger. If you checked fewer than 5 items, you are unsafe. If you checked fewer than 7 items, please consider changing your on-line practices.

What to do

Give us a call for free information regarding Internet safety and what you can do to help protect yourself. Also, regular maintenance on your PC is required to ensure your Internet security. When was the last time a tune-up was done on your PC?

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